Bocce Advisory


The Bocce Advisory Committee is an advisory resource providing ideas and member feedback to improve Bocce programs, facilities and membership.

The Bocce Advisory Committee’s mission is to play a role in enriching the bocce amenities member experience.

Bill Rawson 770-354-0967

Cathy Wentworth 678-438-9789

Karen Santucci 706-502-6160

Bob Crouch 706-579-3375

Judy Schoeler 315-415-5185


Membership & Qualifications

The Bocce Advisory Committee consists of 5 Property Owners, one of whom will serve as chairperson, chosen by the Head Racquet Professional and Director of Amenities with approval of the General Manager.

Members must be Property Owners in good standing. The members are chosen for their interest in building Bocce membership and activities.

Reporting & Authority

The Bocce Advisory Committee advises the Racquet Club Manager and the Director of Amenities through the Chairman, and reports to the Board of Directors through the GM. The committee is advisory, and has no authority to direct activities of the POA staff, incur any expenses on behalf of the Association without prior authorization, or obligate the association in any way.


The Chairperson may be appointed annually for a one-year term by the Head Racquet Club Professional and Director of Amenities. The chair may be appointed for consecutive years, but in no event for more than three consecutive years. Committee members will be appointed annually. Committee members may be appointed for consecutive years, but in no event more than three consecutive years.  In the event a member resigns at any time, a replacement will be selected by the chair to fill out the duration of that person’s term.


Committee Members may be removed from the Committee by either the Chairman or the General Manager for cause. Causes may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Any act of harassment or abuse toward POA Staff. Participating in the reckless or intentional misrepresentation of information related to the Racquet Club or POA.

  1. Failing to maintain a “Property Owner in Good Standing”, status with
    the POA.

  1. Failing to disclose to the General Manager any personal or business
    relationship that represents a conflict of interest for the committee
    member making a recommendation for a specific vendor or contractor.

Meetings are held monthly but committee chair can call special meetings if deemed necessary. Meeting Minutes will be kept for each meeting with copies provided to all committee members, the General Manager, and posted on the POA Website.


This Charter is adopted effective July, 2023.


Bill Rawson - Chairperson


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