Governance Documents Review Task Force


The Governance Documents Review Task Force of the Big Canoe Property Owners Association is delegated by the Board of Directors to conduct comprehensive reviews and analyses of the current Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and Policies and Procedures of Big Canoe. The Task Force’s objective is to recommend all revisions necessary to provide clear, cohesive guidelines and usable information while conforming to Big Canoe Covenants and Georgia Law. Members will be provided a strawman of the ByLaws and a list of issues and recommendations for potential changes. Work will begin with the ByLaws and continue with Policies & Procedures, and then Rules and Regulations. Task Force members are responsible for presenting findings and recommendations monthly to the Board regarding the adequacy and effectiveness of:

  1. Big Canoe Rules and Regulations
  2. Big Canoe Policies and Procedures
  3. Big Canoe ByLaws
    A Board Member Liaison shall be accessible for support and additional service to members. All Board endorsed recommendations received from the Task Force will be forwarded for legal approval by the POA Attorney(s).



The Governance Documents Review Task Force shall consist of five to seven members, including the Chair. - Members shall be in good standing with the POA to remain as participating and voting members of the Task Force. - Each member shall be independent in their relationship to the day to day operations of the Association. - Committee members shall be recommended, then confirmed by the Board. - The Chair of the Task Force will be nominated by majority vote of sitting members.

Duties & Responsibilities
  • Maintain a Governance Master Calendar to establish routine review scheduling and ensure the comprehensive review of these documents and record all approved amendments.
  • Minutes of each regular meeting shall be recorded and forwarded for Board reference.
  • Perform other Directives as requested by the Board.


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